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Goal progress

At the beginning of The Science and Practice of Yoga, I set the goal of committing to finishing this edx course because as what I had experienced in the past and knowing my capacity in online learning, I have never completed a course yet.

Here I am right now, journaling for Week 5. I am happy that I have made it this far, to just show up each week, watch the lectures, read the materials, attend the mini sessions once in a while, or if I can't join the mini class that day, I made sure to incorporate a few or a couple of the poses in my self practice, complete the check-ins, and write about the experience.

The assignment said not to focus on the setbacks. But I'd ike to share one. I didn't make it to the journaling deadline for Week 4. Perhaps before the mindfulness exercises, I might have punished myself for not being able to submit the journal entry. However, I chose to be kind to myself. Yes, it was a difficult journal assignment for me that week. And it was also the week that I was having problems with my relationshsip and deadlines for my graduate course work were piling up. I just felt so down that week, so unloved, and thought that I was really never good enough for myself or for anyone else. But it got me thinking. I looked back on the days I had those similar moments and how I was able to pull myself together and overcome those ugly thoughts. I am loved. I may be a work in progress, but I am enough. I am already complete.

I may have not been able to journal about that week, but the exercise reminded me of my worth. The setback, I realized, was not a setback afterall but an opportunity to be humble and to even love myself more.

Looking beyond the edx course, I am also on my way to completing what I have committed to finish this year in my graduate course work. It was not a perfect semester, but I made progress. I was able to attend the classes, submit and present a paper at a conference organized by my university, and work on finalizing my master's thesis proposal.

As for my personal life, I have already communicated with a lawyer regarding the annulment case that I wanted to file. I'll be undergoing a psychological test this December or in January 2018 as a requirement in setting the grounds for the annulment case.

The journey was not perfect, but I made progress.

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